Ignoring the battlelines between Craft, Art & Vintage

During the ongoing crisis we are offering free wrapping on gift purchases and donating to NoKidHungry.org for every order placed. Millions of needy kids are missing meals because of the ongoing school closures. We hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy in both body & mind. Take good care. We offer free shipping in the US.We combine shipping on international orders and will cheerfully refund any shipping overages.Please be in touch in you have any questions.www.stifelandcapra.com

Our Story-

After my husband's life threatening illness and rehab made our family recognize dreams shouldn't wait, I have put my money (and creativity and time and effort) where my mouth is to see if I can create an environment that will enable my friends to celebrate not just making a living but a life!

A well-rounded life where balance isn't something you are doing on a tightrope to make it through the day.

A place that people come to because it's as comfortable as home. A place that honors the past, thrives in the present and eagerly anticipates the future. Come see.

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